
White spots on the nails: everything you need to know

Changes in the hands are easily noticed, since they are right in front of our eyes. You have noticed one or more white spots on your nails ? These discoloration of the nails are known under the medical name of leukonychia. Depending on the origin, they can appear completely or partially, or form bands that start from the base of the nail towards the tip.

Understanding white spots on nails

Most often, " discolored nails Most often, "discolored nails" occur occasionally and are not dangerous. Simple disturbance, they disappear when the nail grows back. Did you bump your toe against a corner of a piece of furniture? Despite their support and protection function, nails are delicate organs that react to microtrauma induced microtrauma.

If it is only a matter of small white spots on the nailsit is probably related to a micro-shock or to a manicure too intense for example. Indeed, repeated gestures to to push back the cuticles or the small skins can cause a sensitization of the nail matrix.

Allergic reaction to nail polish, nail polish remover, eczema, psoriasis, fungus... Sometimes large spots cover more than half or the entire nail. This may be a sign of a less common disease. Do not hesitate to make an appointment with a specialist if the pigmentation of the nail persists.

Also read >> How to take care of your skin?

How to remove white spots under the nails?

Nails are prey to enough external aggression that they don't need to be abused any further! So how do you to have beautiful nails ? Here are a few tips and treatments that have been proven to prevent and and remove white spots on nails.

Protect your nails by adopting the right gestures

No more intensive cuticle treatments ! Avoid biting your nails or sensitizing them by filing them too often. For protect your nails on a daily basisTo protect your nails on a daily basis, remember to wear gloves when using aggressive products and make sure you moisturize your hands right down to the tips of your nails. Finally, let them breathe several times a month, without applying nail polish, so that they can regenerate and be healthy longer.

Apply lemon juice to the nails

Rich in vitamin C, the lemon allows to strengthen and protect weakened nails, and thus remove the white spots naturally. In a bowl, mix two teaspoons of lemon juice with a few drops of olive oil, then leave on for 15 to 20 minutes. This revitalizing nail care is to be applied daily during 1 week to appreciate its effects.

Taking care of your nails with Tea Tree essential oil

Popular for its detoxifying and purifying virtues, theessential oil of Tea Tree can be applied on the skin as well as in care for the nails. For treat white spots that proliferate on the surface of the nail or whiten yellowed nailsa few drops drops are generally enough to eliminate the microbes.

Fighting white spots with white vinegar

Thanks to its antifungal virtues, the white vinegar is a very good remedy against white spots on the nails. Half a cup of white vinegar mixed with a little warm water will help you remove this unsightly stain.

If there is no miracle solution as such, it is usually enough to wait for the nail to grow back. In the meantime, you can stimulate growth, but also strengthen and revitalize them, by taking food supplements for nails MyVeggie.