Vitamins & Minerals

Which vitamins against fatigue?

Pillow flops, sluggishness, difficulty in motivating oneself or staying focused on a daily basis... A state of fatigue that lasts is far from being insignificant, since it concerns half of the French population. For regain physical and moral energysome anti-fatigue food supplements prove to be particularly effective. Discover the best vitamins against fatigueto regain vitality !

Why take vitamins in case of fatigue?

With the cold weather, dietary changes and decreased light levels, it is not surprising to feel a sluggishness general sluggishness. Whatever the origin oforigin of the fatigueadopt a healthy lifestyle and a quality sleep are not always enough to regain energy. Therefore, some anti-fatigue vitamins offer a little boost to the body to help you to be in shape !

What is the best anti-fatigue cure? 

During the change of season, in times of stressof stress, of a small slump in energy or of overworkthe needs in vitamins per day increase. To fill up fill up with vitamins for mental and physical fatigue, rather thanexcitants (coffee, alcohol, tobacco...), is definitely recommended and much better for your health!

Taking vitamin C for fatigue 

vitamin C fatigue

The vitamin C is present in many fruits and vegetables. This essential nutrient is involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters that help to start the day well by maintaining alertness, attention and motivation.

This vitamin against fatigue also promotes the intestinal absorption of iron, a trace element that is essential for maintenance of energy. Start a myVeggie Tonic cure treatment, you will benefit from a combination of effective active ingredients, with complementary actions, for a effect booster effect and the strengthening of the body over time!

Boost yourself naturally with vitamin B 

vitamin b boost

The group B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9, B12) often work closely together in the body. Most of them are involved in cell regeneration and the energy production. A deficiency in one of these vitamins can lead to several symptoms, including intense fatigue. The foods rich in vitamin B are vegetables, whole grains, legumes, whole grains, nuts, dairy products, eggs and meat. A vitamin B cure can also be considered to make up for deficiencies.

Take a vitamin D cure to fight against seasonal fatigue

vitamin D treatment

Have you ever noticed that the good mood tends to disappear once winter sets in? And for good reason, no less than 80% of French people lack vitamin D! This is a very good vitamin against fatigueIt is a very good vitamin against fatigue, muscular weakness and depression.

About 70% of our vitamin D needs are covered bysun exposure. The body is able to produce it under the action of UVB, the rest must be provided by food (salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna, cod liver oil...). In case of a specific diet or in order toavoid deficienciesdo not hesitate to start a cure of vitamin and mineral food supplements.

To go further >> How to avoid being tired during the day?